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Mining Conference Paper

February 27, 2013

AMC's Alan J Marshall recently presented a critical paper focused on the importance of Investing in Quality in Camp Infrastructu…

The Future of Mining Uncensored

February 5, 2013

The Future Of Mining Conference at the Grand Medina Perth January 30-February 1 was a great success with sessions being well att…


Australian Mining Camps Ltd is able to offer design and engineering solutions for large scale projects.  We  understand the specific needs in providing an affordable  and sustainable  workforce, community and residential  housing  for  workers  and  families.  

We promote  early engagement  with  EPCM Contractors  to discuss  their housing needs  and help identify exclusive  design solutions that  will allow  them to successfully  control the  entire  supply  chain along with  collaboration  from other  stakeholders  to ensure  successful  project  outcomes. 

Download presentation

(Please note, this presentation is approximately 16mb and may take a minute or two to download, depending on the speed of your connection)

Delivering cost effective accommodation solutions for mining, indigenous and remote area housing.